Psalm 50 – A wonderful promise is found in Psalm 50:23, for those who instead of using their tongues to gossip, use them to praise the Lord: “Whoever offers praise glorifies Me, and thereby makes a way for Me to show him My deliverance” (Literal). When we praise the Lord, we thereby express our faith in Him as sovereign God and this expression of faith enables Him to show us His deliverance.
“If we have faith in our hearts, it overflows in praise.”
Psalm 65:1 (KJV) says, “Lord, praise is waiting for you in Zion (the church).” Our churches should be places where praise is always waiting for God. When God comes into our midst, He must find praise waiting for Him. God draws such people close to Him Psalm 65:4 says, “How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose and bring near to Thee.” The psalm goes on to speak of the goodness of God to the earth.
Psalm 100 is an invitation to praise the Lord and to serve Him. We are to “serve the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2). I have met people who say they are serving the Lord, but who are complaining about something or the other most of the time. God doesn’t want anyone to serve Him who doesn’t serve Him joyfully.
Psalm 106 continues with the history of God’s goodness to Israel. In Psalm 106:11, 12 we read, “When the waters covered their enemies then they believed His words and sang His praise.” There are two things we see there. Firstly, the evidence of faith is praise. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The mouth is the overflow valve of the heart. If we have faith in our hearts, it overflows in praise. When the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, they began to praise God (Acts 2:11, 47). If we don’t praise God, it proves that we don’t have faith. Secondly, under the old covenant, they lived by sight and not by faith. They could praise God only after they saw their enemies drowned. Today, we can praise God, even before our enemies are defeated. That is to walk by faith and not by sight.
Psalm 149 invites us to praise the Lord at all times. “He will beautify the humble with salvation” (Psalm 149:4). If you want the Lord to beautify you, you must be humble. We are called to sing for joy even on our beds, tohave the high praises of God always in our mouth and the word of God in our hands to bind the power and activities of Satan and his demons (Psalm 149:5–8). Praise to God and binding Satan’s power always go together.
Psalm 150: Thirteen times we read the word “praise” in this psalm, concluding with “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6). There is only one type of person who does not have to praise God – the one who cannot breathe – the dead. All the rest must keep praising the Lord at all times. May it be so in our lives. Amen.
Recommended Sermon: Faith Results In Praise (click here)